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Join Forever Aligned Club in supporting the “Be Smart, Don’t Start” campaign in our fight against drug & alcohol addiction. Every dollar donated will help provide help and resources to families and friends dealing with this terrible disease.

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What does The Kings Creek do to help?

If it takes a village to raise a child, imagine a community coming together to save one.

As part of its ongoing mission to raise awareness about the danger of teen and pre-teen addiction to drugs and alcohol, The Kings Creek is sponsoring a state-wide unified effort to protect our children by teaching them several key aspects of a healthy lifestyle:

  • Our community cares. Many of our young people believe the lies that there is no hope for them to have a bright future and no one will help them find their way. The Kings Creek and other proud sponsors will show, through collective activities and work that there are people surrounding our youths with love and support.
  • What we do matters. It has been said that everyone needs four things:
    • Something to do.
    • Someone to love.
    • Someone to believe in.
    • Something to hope for.

If one of these elements are missing in a young person’s life, that person searches to find fulfillment. We want to give them direction to a better way than choosing drugs or alcohol. We can show our next generation that we love them, and want to spend time with them, and let them know how important they are to us.

  • Knowledge is power. Sometimes life presents situations that make us feel out of control. For teens and pre-teens, that feeling could be present every day. Being aware of the threat to their lives that drugs and alcohol present, and having healthy alternatives will equip our children for the fight against these crippling addictions before they start.


The Kings Creek is a 501(C)(3) non-profit. EIN: 82-3181999