Today marks the beginning of a revolutionary method of keeping teeth straight once orthodontic treatment is completed. ForeverAlignedClub* is the first of its kind website dedicated to Orthodontic Aftercare* – a new treatment approach to keeping teeth straight for a lifetime.
Orthodontic treatment has always been centered around GETTING teeth straight. ForeverAlignedClub* was created to KEEP teeth straight. Developed by a team of leading Orthodontists and computer programmers, the platform is a patent-pending source of lifetime, affordable, on demand retainers or relapse aligners. Using a 3D oral scan of the patients teeth, the digital file is stored on a HIPAA compliant server.
From there, it can be retrieved at any time, and a new retainer or relapse aligner created. All the patient has to do is place an order for a replacement – online. A network of nation-wide labs then manufactures the orders at a moments notice. These new retainers or aligners are then shipped directly to the patient – and it’s always on demand. Because the 3D scan is an exact replica of the patient’s teeth, an unlimited number of retainers or aligners can be fabricated, and all at an extremely low cost to the patient. If a patient neglects to wear his/her retainer, the platform also offers a series of relapse aligners to realign the teeth.
To enjoy these benefits, signup online for our membership program. After an order is selected and confirmed, the patient will be contacted by one of our staff members to schedule a 3D scan. If a patient needs a replacement, simply login to his/her account on* and place a new order. A one time replacement charge is added, and the product shipped directly to your door.
Simple. Affordable. On demand. Shipped anywhere in the world.
ForeverAlignedClub* is the ONLY online method of providing patients Orthodontic Aftercare*. We trust it will be THE answer to keeping teeth straight – FOREVER.